I'm back and feeling much better =)
Thanks to all my friends who cared for me and treated me so nice.
I really really really am happy to have friends like you guys *hugs*
Updates on myself. I think I should tell this.
I am currently single.
A lot of stuffs had happened.
Year 2009 was... An interesting year for me.
A seriously interesting messed up year.
I'm not saying it bad though (=
It's so f*cked up yet wonderful at the same time...
And I just realized I'm not young anymore... T_T
This year. I'll do my best for self-improvement.
Work hard and play hard! XD
Sorry for this boring post.
I just thought that I should at least have 1 blog post for January (lol)
Till then...
TLR is on Facebook fanpage too!
2 months ago