Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm still here

Yes, I'm still here.
I know I've been MIA for quite a long time... lol ^^;;
Sorry but I've been really, really busy these few weeks.
Still busy, cos I haven't done my projects for HC08 yet XP

I still made it to Halloween Party though:

IRTeA the Moe Witch holding a Pudding made by Hot Zombie Maid Jna accompanied by the most good-looking white hair injured vampire(?) Ki-chan <3

There's an upcoming event for photographers & bloggers, but too bad the posters demotivated me to join:

I'm sorry, but bloggers =/= photographers (and vice versa)

The poster made it looks that way.

I know they actually called the event as 'Photobloggers' Night', but the poster only mentioned 'Are you a blogger?'. @_@

I agree a lot photographers blogs(or vice versa), but that doesn't mean they are equal. Even if you don't mean it that way, the posters seem to be that way. :-\

Sorry but I'm skipping this event >_< Still busy preparing for HC08 too

Nevertheless, more info about it at Rumba's Facebook here

1 comment:

Asrizal said...

heheh.. nice pic..oh yeah...u kissing the 'serial killer' is up at my blog..hheheeh..cheerz!


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