Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rick Astley, 43, found dead in Berlin hotel room

Singer-Songwriter Rick Astley Found Dead in Berlin Hotel Room

The Associated Press
Monday, June 30, 2009 1:00 AM
Original Link: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-287996

Berlin -- Known for his 80's pop hit "Never Gonna Give You Up," the 43-year-old Rick Astley has been pronounced dead today. Astley's body was found at the Angleterre Hotel in Berlin after an ambulance responded to an emergency call from his hotel room.

Astley was found unconscious in his hotel bedroom and was unable to be resuscitated. He was pronounced dead on the scene.

Astley was in the middle of a concert tour that would have ended in late August of 2009. He was to return to the United Kingdom at that time.

© 2009 The Associated Press

I can't believe The Star Online was RICKROLL'D today.

He's not dead okay.

The site has removed the article already, but...

Many thanks to shiki.dez for the screenshot.


Serenadez said...

LOL! punya cepat ko post in your blog! XD

CMZ said...


Dreaming Artemis said...

The star newspaper has always been a joke. So it only makes sense if it becomes part of the joke as well.


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