Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun Busy Week

Last week was busy.. but fun :3

Had a HobbyCon'08 meeting last Saturday, then Toyboy called and invited me, cubex and Massy to his house later at night. Saw Toyboy and Bakaneko at KAC, shopping for clothes at G2000 XD Got discounts that time, and cubex also bought a new pants and shirt for Toyboy's wedding the next day =)

I bought a new dress on Sunday 5pm. Just 1 and a half hours before Toyboy's wedding dinner started XD

One of the group photo that night ^^

Toytoy's Signature pose~! The Nose XD

The Girls of the Night =)

Funny pic haha XD

Peace~ v^_^v Eh... Why so serious, lougong? o.O

Chibi Kuma No.1~!! This is more like it~!! Haha X3 1^_^1

Had a lot of fun :3 Can't wait for more pics of us after the dinner though =P


Getting busy and more busy now...! >.< Hope I still have the time to have fun! \>o<

My new wallpaper at office's comp :3

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